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Macular Degeneration
​Age-related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) is degenerative disease of the eye which affects central vision. Sufferers often complain of distortion and blurring of central vision. Clinical examination and appropriate investigations can assist in the diagnosis of the disease.
Clinical examination and appropriate investigations such as Angiography and Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT) can assist in the diagnosis of the disease.
Risk Factors: A family history of ARMD, Smoking, advancing age and dietary factors are known risk factors.

There are two forms of Macular degeneration:
1.Atrophic or Dry ARMD characterised by patchy thinning and atrophy of the macular.
2.Exudative or Wet ARMD, where abnormal blood vessels leak and cause thickening of the macular.
At Mentone Eye Specialists we are optimally equipped to assess and manage A.R.M.D